Accounting (ACC)

ACC 505 —   Financial and Management Accounting  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
This course covers fundamental concepts and procedures of financial and management accounting for business decisions. Financial accounting provides information primarily for external decision makers such as investors, creditors, suppliers, and government agencies. Management accounting serves the needs of managers to fulfill organizational objectives. Case studies will illustrate accounting and ethical issues. Topics include generally accepted accounting principles, international accounting standards, financial accounting procedures, financial reporting, inventory and depreciation methods, and cost analysis.
ACC 601 —   Strategic Accounting Analysis and  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take ACC*505 or UG equivalents
An advanced core course in strategic accounting which focuses on the interpretation and analysis of accounting information for business decisions. Case studies will be used to illustrate strategic decision processes. International accounting issues will be addressed. Topics include financial statement analysis, cash flow, case studies in budgeting, total quality management, activity-based management, target costing, job-order cost systems, cost allocation methods, and variable costing.
ACC 602 —   Advanced Business Tax Strategy  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken ACC*505;
This course begins with an overview of business taxation in the United States, and international tax planning issues. This foundation serves as a basis for the development of business tax strategies for successful competition in the global marketplace. Research and case studies of international tax issues are explored. Topics include tax planning and administration, choice and tax implications of business entities, international tax principles, wealth management, and ethical issues.
ACC 603 —   Advanced Accounting Theory  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken ACC*505 and ACC*601;
This course explores the underlying concepts of financial accounting theory and its application to current accounting practice. Standards of the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are emphasized. Topics include the conceptual framework of accounting, financial accounting and reporting standards, and the rationale for generally accepted accounting standards. Research into the development of accounting theory is included.
ACC 604 —   Advanced Auditing  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take ACC*505 ACC*601
An advanced course in audit theory and practice, covering auditing concepts and procedures, audit research, computer auditing, and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) audits. Computerized audit problems and case studies illustrate audit concepts and practice.
ACC 605 —   Internal Controls  (3 credits)  
The course expands students' basic knowledge of Internal Controls, using the COSO framework as a guide. Areas covered are risk assessments, the control environment, control activities, obtaining evidence and testing, conducting interviews and specific reporting requirements. There will be hands-on experience through case work and real-world internal control assessments.
ACC 606 —   Governmental and Non Profit Accounting  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*505
A study of the special features of accounting and financial reporting for governmental and not-for-profit entities including state and local governments, healthcare entities, universities and colleges, public schools, voluntary health and welfare organizations, and other not-for-profit entities.
ACC 607 —   Appl Accounting Info Systems & Analytics  (3 credits)  
This course covers the conceptual foundations that accounting builds upon as an information system to analyze, reco rd, summarize and report business activities, the control of the accounting information system, and accounting data analytics. Students are required to complete a variety of applied information systems projects that will give them hands-on experience with enterprise resources planning, internal control over financial reporting, and accounting data analytics and visualization.
ACC 614 —   Topics:  (3 credits)  
ACC 619 —   Integrated Studies in Accounting I  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
This course is inteded to provide learners with insight into the advanced application of management theory, managaement accounting, and IFRS. Topics include performance management, business modeling, advanced management accounting, and IFRS. Using the case study method, the strategic implications of thes topics will be explored, allowing students to prepare for either of the CPS Canada (Ontario) or CGMA professional accounting exams.
ACC 650 —   International Accounting  (3 credits)  
The growth of international business has influenced the way business and accounting are conducted in every country. This course prepares students to operate more effectively in a global business environment. Students will develop a sensitivity to the diversity of accounting standards and reporting practices in the global business community. Group projects, research paper, and case discussions included. Recommended for all students interested in international business.
ACC 664 —   Fin & Man Accounting in Healthcare  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*601
Healthcare institutions, both profit and not-for-profit, are under significant pressure to contain costs and improve the quality of services and products. Today's complex environment places greater emphasis on the financial implications of both managerial and clinical decisions. This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the principles and theory of both managerial accounting and financial management in healthcare organizations. On completion, students will also have a good overview of the current and historical healthcare financial issues.
ACC 674 —   Income Tax Planning  (3 credits)  
This course focuses on federal income tax principles along with current law and practice by concentrating its impact on financial planning. The primary context will be individuals, couples, families, estates, and trusts. It will examine these primary beneficiaries in their role as investors, employees, and business owners. This course is intended to provide coverage of required topics under the current topic list of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP).
ACC 682 —   Topic:  (3 credits)  
ACC 683 —   MBA Accounting Co-Op/Internship  (6.00 credits)  
An advanced-level elective course providing relevant paid employment experience. The objective of the course is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience for students not fully employed. The student must work full time in an approved work environment for either the fall or spring semester or an equivalent number of hours in the summer.
ACC 685 —   CPA Research Strategy & Planning  (VAU)  (3.00 credits)  
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive review of the advanced topics in auditing and attestation; the general business environment; regulation, including tax and business law; and financial accounting and reporting. The course is intended for students who plan to pursue a career in public accounting. Students are required to complete CPA exam practice problems according to a rigorous schedule. Instructors will lecture on research methods, contemporary accounting issues, and strategies for passing the CPA exam. A fee is required for a user license for a CPA exam review program.
ACC 723 —   Intermediate Accounting I  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*505
A comprehensive study of the preparation and use of financial reports for business decisions and the role of accounting standards in the international business community. Activities that may be included in the course are ethical issues in business decision, financial information on the internet, research papers, group projects, class presentations, and computer spreadsheets.
ACC 724 —   Intermediate Accounting II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*723
A comprehensive study of the preparation and use of financial reports for business decisions and the role of accounting standards in the international business community. Activities that may be included in the course are ethical issues in business decision, financial information on the internet, research papers, group projects, class presentations, and computer spreadsheets.
ACC 735 —   Cost Management Systems  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*505
A study of the design and use of modern cost management systems. Topics include product costing, activity-based costing and management, profit planning, performance measurement, and strategic decision making and control. Computer applications, a writing component, and group projects included.
ACC 736 —   Advanced Accounting  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*724
A study of the special accounting information needs of the various forms of accounting entities, whether large or small, public or private, profit or nonprofit. Topics include business combinations, multinational corporations, segment reporting, partnership accounting, bankruptcy, and estates and trusts. Computer applications included.
ACC 746 —   Auditing  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*724
A study of the theory and practice of auditing. The primary focus is on audits of the financial statements performed by independent accountants. Auditing integrates accounting standards and practices, legal liability for public accountants, and ethical expectations as prescribed in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, culminating in the examination of audit evidence and preparation of the auditor's report. Computer applications and group projects are included.
ACC 747 —   Tax I  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite ACC*724
A conceptual study of United States federal income taxation. The current income tax code as it relates to individuals, corporations, partnerships, and other taxable entities is introduced. Practical tax problems are reviewed to demonstrate the proper application of the tax code, current issues in tax accounting and tax planning are considered. Computer applications included.