Withdrawal/Refund Policies

Refund of Tuition

A student officially withdraws from the university when he/she writes a letter or sends an email from their Niagara email account to his/her dean stating his/her intention to withdraw. The following are refund policies for complete or partial (course revision) withdrawal from the university.

Complete Withdrawal

The refund will be based on the number of weeks remaining in the semester at the date of withdrawal. No refund will be granted after 60 percent of the enrollment period has passed (nine weeks). A $100 administrative fee as provided by law will reduce the calculated refund. If a student registers for a class, does not attend or drop the course, an automatic administration fee will be charged up to $500, if the student subsequently requests to have the course backdated. The percent refunded shall be applied to tuition, semester fees, room and board.

The student officially withdraws from a semester-long class:

Calendar week of Refund %
Week one 100%
Week two 100%
Week three 60%
Week four 40%
Week five 20%
After Week 5 0%

If a student withdraws from an accelerated class with eight or fewer classes:

Number of Classes Refund
First class 100%
Second class 40%
Third class 0%

Withdrawal Refund

Committee on Refunds

An appeal for refund of tuition may be made to the Committee on Refunds provided that continued attendance by the student is made impossible by reasons of serious illness (supported by a doctor’s certificate) or by changes in conditions of the student’s employment (supported by the employer’s certificate) or other emergencies which, in the opinion of the committee, are clearly beyond the control of the student.

An application for refund may be filed in person or by mail in the records office and must be made in writing on the form provided for that purpose. If the student is prevented by illness or distance from obtaining the regular form of such application, he/she should address a letter to the records office indicating the courses to be dropped and carefully explaining his/her reasons, together with supporting certifications.