Niagara University Opportunity Program

NUOP seeks to make higher education possible for students who are both educationally underprepared and economically disadvantaged. This comprehensive program is designed for students who have potential for and interest in furthering education but would not ordinarily be admissible to Niagara under regular admissions standards. Students admitted to NUOP are provided with a full range of academic and financial support services to ensure that they have every opportunity to develop their potential and succeed at Niagara. These services include an intensive prefreshman summer program, developmental learning skills courses, tutoring, and counseling. Financial assistance is also provided.

NUOP is funded jointly by the university and the New York State Education Department.

To be eligible for NUOP, a student must be:

  1. A high school graduate or possess a state-approved equivalency diploma or its equivalent.
  2. A resident of New York state according to the criteria promulgated by the Higher Education Services Corporation.
  3. Both “economically disadvantaged and educationally under-prepared.” To be considered economically disadvantaged, a student must meet the economic criteria established by the New York State Education Department based on the number of people in the student’s household and income of the household. The economic eligibility table is available in the NUOP office and online on the NUOP link of the Office of Academic Support Web page. All income must be verified by 1040 tax forms or other appropriate documentation.

Reference to the eligibility table need not be made if the student falls into one of the following categories and documentation is provided:

  1. The student or the student’s family was a recipient of payment through a New York State County Department of Social Services at any time during the calendar year prior to the student’s potential year of enrollment.
  2. The student is living with foster parents who do not provide support for college, and no financial assistance is provided by the natural parents.
  3. The student is a ward of the state or county.


Interested applicants should complete the online Niagara University Application for Admission located on Niagara University’s website and indicate your interest in the Arthur O. Eve HEOP program as well as submit an official HS transcript or a copy of GED scores and SAT or ACT test scores to Niagara’s Admissions Office.

Additional information can be obtained by calling the NUOP office at 716.286.8068.