Substance Abuse

Niagara University shares public concern about irresponsible drinking and the socially unacceptable behavior that may result from alcohol abuse. While social gatherings can enhance the quality of life at Niagara, we recognize and respond to the challenge of responsible alcoholic consumption. The university’s policy pertains to all members of the campus community and visitors.

Policy violations subject students to formal judicial action and the imposition of sanctions, to include fines and mandated referrals for related counseling.

The possession, sale, use or distribution of any type of controlled substance, illicit or “bootleg drug” and/or drug paraphernalia is considered a serious violation of the university’s student code of conduct. The prohibition against controlled substances does not apply to those medications prescribed for the user by a physician when used according to directions.

Niagara students are expected to abide by all federal, state, local, and foreign laws. Noncompliance with these and institutional policies regarding controlled substances can jeopardize a student’s continuing attendance at the university. Alleged violations of the university’s drug policy will result in judicial action and can include sanctions up to and including expulsion from the university.