Emergency/Disaster Management and National Security, M.A.

A program focusing on the application of the incident command system model to formulating and implementing effective response to natural and man-made disasters. Includes instruction in contingency planning, hazard and risk assessment, joint operations, incident command, terrorism and national security issues, law enforcement, relief administration, volunteer and citizen coordination, public relations and applications to specific types of incidents.

IDS 500Interdisciplinary Methods3
IDS 510Threat Spectrum3
IDS 515Terrorism3
CSO 500Prin of InfoSec and Fed Law3
CRJ 585Seminar in Special Problems in Criminal3
MGT 654Global Sourcing & Risk Mgt3
MGT 674Strategic Supply Chain Management3
MGT 677Organizational Development3
ADS 720Politics & Eval of Policy3
IDS 600Capstone Research I3
IDS 601Interdisciplinary Research Project II3