Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, M.S.Ed. (TESOL) (Pre K-12)

For certified teachers, the 37-credit hour program is designed for candidates seeking certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Pre-K -12). The 46-credit hour program is designed for candidates seeking initial teacher certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Pre-K-12). Candidates are expected to demonstrate competency in each of the standards associated with the nationally recognized Association of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Twelve credits in a language other than English is required for certification. 

Candidates who enter the 46-credit hour program without current initial teaching certification will need to complete the following required courses: EDU 523 Foundations of EducationEDU 536 Human Learn, Dev & Motivation, and EDU 571 Foundations of Literacy Instruction

Required Courses
EDU 539Char of Students With Exceptionalities3
EDU 578Foundations of Bilingual Education &3
EDU 579Developing Literacy in English Language3
EDU 595Intro to Educ Research & Statistics3
EDU 580Language and Linguistics in the ESL3
EDU 581Sociolinguistic Considerations in3
EDU 582Curric Applications TESOL3
EDU 588Assessment for ESOL Learn3
EDU 584Content Methods for ESL3
EDU 595Intro to Educ Research & Statistics3
EDU 792ESOL Teaching Practicum 13
EDU 793Professional Sem TESOL3
EDU 799Comprehensive Portfolio Advisement1
Total Credits37

Candidates who do not hold an initial teaching certification must complete 2 practica