Entrance Requirements

The following chart should serve as a guideline for high school units of preparation. A total of 16 academic units is required for each division. Courses which stress physical dexterity, such as typing, shop, chorus, band and driver’s education are not considered academic units. Students with less than the required number of academic units should contact the Office of Admissions.

College of Arts and Sciences and College of Education

High School Subjects B.A. B.S.1
English 4 4
Latin or Modern Language 2 2
Mathematics (college prep 22 3
Science 2 3
Social Studies 23 2
Electives (academic) 4 2
Total 16 16 16

Social work majors require high school units listed under B.A. programs.


Mathematics majors must have three units in mathematics.


Social Studies majors must have three units under the B.A. program.

College of Business Administration

High School Subjects B.B.A. and B.S.
English 4
Mathematics (college prep) 3
Science 2
Social Studies 2
Electives (academic) 5
Total 16

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

High School Subjects B.S.
English 4
Latin or Modern Language 2
Mathematics (college prep) 2
Science 2
Social Studies 2
Electives (academic) 4
Total 16

Academic and Career Exploration Program (Undeclared Program)

High School Subjects B.S.
English 4
Latin or Modern Language 2
Mathematics (college prep) 21
Science 3
Social Studies 2
Electives (academic) 3
Total 16

Students who hope to major in a science or science-related major must have three units of math.

Nursing students must have Biology and Chemistry.