Hotel/Sport/Tourism (HST)

HST 100 —   Introduction to Hospitality  (SS)  (3 credits)  
This course introduces students to the history, function, and structure of the travel, hotel, restaurant, and recreation industries. Students will be introduced to the structure of industry components, and current issues and opportunities will be analyzed utilizing industry speakers.
HST 140 —   Management & Leadership  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to provide basic information about management and leadership techniques in the hospitality, tourism, and sport management industries. It includes a comprehensive survey of a wide variety of topics relevant to effective management and leadership styles. The course is primarily oriented to managing as a form of human behavior that occurs in an organizational setting. Specific industry applications are addressed.
HST 201 —   Accounting Princ. I  (3 credits)  
This course provides a basic understanding of accounting concepts and procedures. Topics include accounting as an information system, financial reporting and analysis, measuring and reporting the operating cycles, measuring and reporting long-term assets, and long-term financing. All topics are applied to the hospitality and tourism industries to enhance understanding of theories and concepts.
HST 202 —   Accounting Principles II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take HRT 201 or ACC 111
This course is the second semester of an introductory course to provide a basic understanding of accounting concepts and procedures. Topics include reporting income, stockholders' equity and cash flows, fundamentals of management accounting decision-making, and analysis of accounting information. Applications to the hospitality and tourism industries enhance understanding of theories and concepts.
HST 244 —   Hotel & Tourism Law  (3 credits)  
An investigation of the legal aspects and responsibilities involved in selling hotel, restaurant, and travel services. Study will include the seller-purchaser relationship and subsequent liabilities. Case histories, court decisions, and legal precedents and their resultant impacts on the industry are analyzed.
HST 253 —   Human Resources Mgt  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take HST 140 or MGT 160;
Scope includes organization and personnel needs particular to the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Examines personnel management from a practical point of view as it relates to the needs of all levels of management. Topics include recruitment, selection, training, appraisal, wage theory, moral, motivation, labor laws, and labor relations.
HST 401 —   Honors Thesis I  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature is pursued within the student's major field of study. The research will conclude with a written thesis or an original project. An oral defense is addressed to a committee comprised of faculty and industry members.
HST 402 —   Honors Thesis II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken HST*401;
Individual research of a substantive nature is pursued within the student's major field of study. The research will conclude with a written thesis or an original project. An oral defense is addressed to a committee comprised of faculty and industry members.
HST 451 —   Disney Intern Experience  (12.00 credits)  
Students are given the opportunity to work for one semester (HRT 452) or one summer (HRT 451) at one of the great travel-tourism attractions in the world, Disney World, in Florida. Students are trained and supervised by the staff at Disney World and must submit a paper to the faculty upon satisfactory completion of the program.
HST 452 —   Disney Intern Experience Advantage  (3 credits)  
Students are given the opportunity to work for one semester (HRT 452) or one summer (HRT 451) at one of the great travel-tourism attractions in the world, Disney World in Florida. Students are trained and supervised by the staff at Disney World and must submit a paper to the faculty upon satisfactory completion of the program.
HST 496 —   Senior Sem & Practicum  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take HST 100 HST 140 HST 253 HST 202. Take one of: SPM 455,
In this capstone course students discuss and analyze current trends and future industry concerns. Students explore issues of personal development in preparation for careers within the hospitality and tourism industries. The possible impacts of societal issues affecting the industry are discussed as students prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow. Students document the completion of 800 hours of industry experience.
HST 499 —   Independent Research  (12.00 credits)  
This course is designed to facilitate the research needs of individual seniors whose academic records illustrate superior performance. Mutually agreeable research programs are conducted in a specific area of hospitality or tourism. The purpose is to expand the student's expertise and enhance the student's research skills. A written paper documents the results of the research. Contract required.