Spanish (SPA)

SPA 101 —   Elem Spanish I  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Basic course in Spanish emphasizing skills in oral and written communication with an introduction to the culture and civilization of the Hispanic world. Open to students with no previous study of Spanish or with the permission of the chairperson of the department of foreign languages.
SPA 102 —   Elem Spanish II  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Students should take SPA 101
This course continues to develop the four basic functions of language begun in SPA 101: speaking, understanding, reading, and writing, while stressing vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The cultures of the Hispanic world also form the content of the course.
SPA 103 —   Intermediate Spanish I  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Students should take SPA 101 and SPA 102 prior
Review and expansion of communication skills (speaking, reading, and writing) through materials reflecting the history, literature, and culture of the Hispanic world.
SPA 104 —   Intermediate Spanish II  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Students should take SPA 101, SPA 102, and SPA 103 prior
Review and expansion of communication skills (speaking, reading and writing) through materials reflecting the history, literature, and culture of the Hispanic world.
SPA 110 —   Spanish for Business  (CD)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Students should have completed SPA 102
An introduction to vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical constructions appropriate to a Spanish-speaking environment. In addition to building basic communication skills, the course covers various aspects of Spanish business protocol, commercial terminology, and correspondence. This course would be of interest for students who would like to have a working knowledge for business relations with the Hispanic world. A weekly one-hour lab session is required with this course.
SPA 200 —   Hispanic Women Writers in English  (CD)  (3 credits)  
A survey of various themes and social questions regarding the position that women have held in Spanish and Latin American societies from the 16th century to the present, as these are treated in poetry, prose fiction, testimony, cinema, and drama by and about women. Conducted in English, with all texts read in translation, this course is open to all students, regardless of their background in Spanish. This course cannot be used to satisfy a language or analytical skills requirement for non-majors. It may count as a culture course for the Spanish minor or major or Latin American Studies minor.
SPA 205 —   Adv Convers Spanish & Composition I  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Students should take SPA 103 and SPA 104 prior
The development of fluency in the language as well as ability to write original compositions. Includes the study of various aspects of the Hispanic people and their culture.
SPA 206 —   Adv Convers Spanish & Comp II  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*205
The development of fluency in the language as well as ability to write original compositions. Includes the study of various aspects of the Hispanic people and their culture.
SPA 210 —   Spanish for Heritage Speakers  (AS)  (3 credits)  
A course for heritage speakers of Spanish who have little or no formal training in the language. Students with near native speaking ability seeking to perfect their Spanish skills may also enroll. Students will improve their Spanish grammar, reading, and writing skills, as well as expand their knowledge of Hispanic cultures.
SPA 305 —   Civilzation & Culture Spanish  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
A survey of the political, social, and artistic history of Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. Readings from representative texts illustrating the interrelatedness of the diverse facets of Spanish civilization will be included.
SPA 306 —   Current Issues/Hispanic World  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
A survey of the political, social, and artistic history of Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. Readings from representative texts illustrating the interrelatedness of the diverse facets of Spanish civilization will be included.
SPA 307 —   Civ & Cult Lat Amer  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
This course is a survey of the political, social, and artistic history of Latin America from the Colonial period to the present. Readings from representative texts and film viewings illustrate the interrelatedness of the diverse facets of Latin-American civilization will be included. The course presents a mixture of nonfiction pieces of writing combined with theoretical essays, poems, short stories, and visual representations, including films. The main objective of this course is not only to present canonical Latin American artistic and cultural productions, but also to give students the necessary theoretical tools to interpret and analyze current Latin-American issues.
SPA 310 —   Translation Lab  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
An introduction to the techniques and problems of translation. The course will give students practice in translating material in their chosen area of specialization.
SPA 319 —   Latin America in Film  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
A variable topics course which means to introduce students to particular cultural aspects of the Hispanic world through a close study and examination of its films.
SPA 401 —   Independent Research  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
Each student pursues a topic independently under the direction of a staff member. The student must have a written report of his/her findings approved. The approved written report is to be filed with the chairperson of the department.
SPA 403 —   Literary Inq Golden Age  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305
This course looks at the history of Spanish literature in the Middle Ages, and the outstanding figures in the fields of drama, novel, and poetry of the Golden Age.
SPA 404 —   Don Quixote  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305
The history of Spanish literature in the Middle Ages and the outstanding figures in the fields of drama, novel and poetry of the Golden Age. - three semester hours
SPA 406 —   Phonetics  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305 SPA*307 or SPA*319;
An intensive study of sound system, intonation, and accent; usually taken abroad.
SPA 409 —   Honors Thesis I  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305 SPA*307 or SPA*319
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
SPA 410 —   Honors Thesis II  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*409
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
SPA 411 —   Hispanic Literature: 18th and 19th Cent  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305
The study and analysis of the thought and literature from the end of the Golden Age to the birth of the generation of 1898.
SPA 412 —   Romantics and Realists  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305;
The study and analysis of the thought and literature from the end of the Golden Age to the birth of the generation of 1898.
SPA 413 —   Generations of 98 and 27  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305
A study of the main trends and most representative authors during the 20th century in Spain in the fields of the novel, short story, essay, poetry, and drama.
SPA 414 —   Contemporary Spanish Literature  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA 305
A study of the main trends and most representative authors during the 20th century in Spain in the fields of the novel, short story, essay, poetry, and drama.
SPA 415 —   Travel Writing of Latin America  (CD)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA 307 or SPA 319
A study of the main literary works reflecting the spiritual and intellectual development of Latin America from pre-Columbian to contemporary times. May be repeated for credit.
SPA 416 —   The Latin American Boom  (CD)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*307 or SPA*319
A study of the main literary works reflecting the spiritual and intellectual development of Latin America from pre-Columbian to contemporary times. May be repeated for credit.
SPA 418 —   Advanced Grammar  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305 or SPA*307 or SPA*319;
Course designed to develop personal writing style of the student by means of grammatical and stylistic exercises, as well as creative and technical writing; usually taken abroad.
SPA 419 —   Advanced Grammar and Stylistics  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305 or SPA*307 or SPA*319
Course designed to develop personal writing style of the student by means of grammatical and stylistic exercises, as well as creative and technical writing; usually taken abroad.
SPA 420 —   Chicano Literature  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*307 or SPA*319
A comprehensive study of Chicano literature and the contributions of Chicanos to the history and culture of Mexico and the United States through a study of literary, historical, and cultural texts. Special emphasis on the development of the Chicano cultural identity from its Mexican colonial roots through contemporary Chicano movements.
SPA 421 —   Small Masterpieces  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*307 or SPA*319;
This course offers an overview of Latin-American literature through the study of short stories. It provides students with the tools to understand how fiction operated as a political medium to shape Latin American countries during their foundations, and why this narrative functions as a base for topics that are relevant today.
SPA 425 —   Senior Seminar  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*305, SPA*307 or SPA*319
Research work manifested in oral and written projects in keeping with the area of specialization of individual students.
SPA 426 —   Teaching Assistantship  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
A student having attained advanced proficiency in Spanish will lead weekly lab sessions as a supplement to Spanish 205-206. These sessions consist of grammar exercises, vocabulary drills, conversational activities, and cultural modules. With a pedagogical supervisor, the student will examine various language acquisition strategies while preparing a cumulative teaching portfolio.
SPA 428 —   Curso de Perfeccion  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*206
This course is designed to provide students who have already attained a level of fluency with the opportunity to perfect their skills by means of group work and individualized activities.
SPA 430 —   Border Wars in Latin American Lit & Film  (CD)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take SPA*307 or SPA*319