Theatre Studies (THR)

THR 101 —   Performance Techniques I  (4 credits)  
A course for the performance and general emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes, including: Acting-Foundations, Dance and Movement, and Vocal Performance I. Lab fee.
THR 102 —   Performance Techniques II  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*101;
A course for the performance and general emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes, including: Acting-Foundations, Introduction to Ballet, Physical Theatre I, and Speech I. Lab fee.
THR 103 —   Introduction to Theatre  (H)  (3 credits)  
An introduction to the collaborative nature, origin, and general history of the theatre, as well as an examination of the contributions of the producer, director, actor, and design team to the theatrical event. Also presented is an overview of the dominant dramatic forms.
THR 104 —   Stagecraft  (3 credits)  
This course is an introduction to the craft of sets, lighting, and costumes for the theatre. It examines the organization of a theatre from the production end and introduces the student to the basic tools, materials, techniques, and procedures used in technical theatre.
THR 105 —   Theory & Musicianship I  (3 credits)  
A study of elementary theory and sight singing to aid music reading and rhythm. This course focuses on beginning music theory and sight singing.
THR 106 —   Theory & Musicianship II  (3 credits)  
A study of advanced music theory, keyboarding, and sight singing to aid music reading and rhythm. This course focuses on music theory, keyboarding, and sight singing skills for the student who already possesses a background in music literacy.
THR 107 —   Acting-Foundations  (3 credits)  
This is an introductory course in the basic vocabulary and theory of acting. This course is designed to begin the acting sequence for theatre or non-theatre majors.
THR 108 —   Acting- Foundations II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*107
This course, a continuation of THR 107, is an introductory course in basic methods and approaches to acting, monologue, and scene work are included as well as the analysis of dramatic text.
THR 109 —   Vocal Performance I & II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR 101, THR 105, or THR 106
A study of elementary theory to aid music reading and rhythm. Basic singing techniques, including breath control, diction, projection, and phrasing are taught, as well as the basic techniques for musical theatre singing.
THR 110 —   Vocal Performance I & II  (3 credits)  
A study of elementary theory to aid music reading and rhythm. Basic singing techniques, including breath control, diction, projection, and phrasing are taught, as well as the basic techniques for musical theatre singing.
THR 111 —   Dance and Movement  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course studies the exploration and development of movement, gestures, and dance forms common to a basic understanding of dance with emphasis on alignment and basic loco motor patterns. It includes an introduction to improvisation, basic ballroom, and tap dance.
THR 112 —   Dance & Movement II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*111;
This course continues studying the exploration and development of movement, gestures and dance forms common to a basic understanding of dance with emphasis on alignment and basic loco motor patterns with a focus on pedagogy. This course is a continuation of THR 111.
THR 114 —   Ballet II  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course is designed for the dancer with previous ballet training. The class will reinforce the fundamental vocabulary and technique of ballet. It will include body alignment, weight placement, transfer of weight, and coordination. Prerequisite may be waived with prior dance experience.
THR 120 —   Intro to Theatre Design  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This studio course acquaints the student with the language, techniques, and conventions of theatrical set, lighting, and costume design. Weekly assignments will emphasize the development of practical skills.
THR 130 —   Theatre Appreciation  (H)  (3 credits)  
In this course students will learn about the active role theatre, performance, and spectacle play in society. Participants will watch historically important filmed performances, attend live theatre, devise their own performance events, and explore dramatic texts in the classroom.
THR 201 —   Performance Techniques III  (AE)  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*101 THR*102
A course for the performance emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes, including: Acting-Shakespeare, Introduction to Jazz Dance, Speech II, and Physical Theatre II. Lab fee.
THR 202 —   Performance Techniques IV  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*201
A course for the performance emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes, including: Acting-Shakespeare, Unarmed combat, Ballet, and Vocal performance II. Lab fee.
THR 205 —   Speech for the Actor I  (3 credits)  
An elementary study of the principles of voice (spoken) production, articulation, diction, rhythmic variety, and projection as they apply to the actor. Additionally, the International Phonetic Alphabet is taught in order to express sounds of accents of foreign languages as well as distinct American regions.
THR 206 —   Speech for the Actor II  (3 credits)  
An elementary study of the principles of voice (spoken) production, articulation, diction, rhythmic variety, and projection as they apply to the actor. Additionally, the International Phonetic Alphabet is taught in order to express sounds of accents of foreign languages as well as distinct American regions.
THR 207 —   Acting-Shakespeare  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR 107 and THR 108
Through rehearsal and performance techniques and written assignments, students will work with the dramatic texts of Shakespeare to master the performance of classical material.
THR 208 —   Acting-Shakespeare  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR 207
Through rehearsal and performance techniques and written assignments, students will work with the dramatic texts of Shakespeare to master the performance of classical material.
THR 211 —   Ballet III  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*113
This course is designed as a continuation of THR 113 for the less experienced ballet student. The class will focus on basic transfer of weight at barre and center; increase of strength and flexibility; and coordination of upper and lower body.
THR 212 —   Ballet IV  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*114
This course is a continuation of THR 114. It is designed to teach the intermediate level of ballet which includes turning, petite allegro, grand allegro, and adagio work. This course is designed to aid in the skills necessary to perform in auditions.
THR 215 —   Stage Combat I  (3 credits)  
Through this introductory course, students will learn the fundamental techniques, skills, and vocabulary of basic unarmed stage combat to understand the illusions behind theatrical violence.
THR 216 —   Stage Combat II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR 215 or THR 202
Students will further develop their performance techniques, skills, and vocabulary in various disciplines of armed stage combat. Students apply these skills by collaborating on the creation of theatre performances using various weapons. Safety is emphasized in each discipline.
THR 218 —   Theatrical Scenic Painting  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course acquaints the student with the theory, techniques, and practical application of theatrical scenic painting. The student will gain hands-on experience by painting projects in and outside of class sessions. Projects include scenic paint representations of bricks, marble, wallpaper, wood grain, cornice molding, drapery, foliage, and full scale versions of small scale scenes. Lab fee.
THR 221 —   Seminar in Stage & Production Management  (3 credits)  
An exploration of the basic functions and responsibilities of the stage manager as applied to a variety of theatrical production formats, and the roles and responsibilities of the other various management positions in professional theatre. The management of presentations, events, and productions outside the traditional theatre structure will also be explored.
THR 222 —   Screenwriting  (WI)  (3 credits)  
This course will introduce students to the basics of screenwriting for film. By taking on the role of a professional screenwriter, students experience the complete process of screenwriting by learning how to create plot, theme, characters and dialogue, resulting in an original screenplay. (Satisfies Media Writing Elective)
THR 223 —   Theatre Abroad: London  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to reflect on the London experience. Outside the classroom, students visit historical sites including the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Cathedral, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, and a variety of theatrical productions. This culminates in a project based on their experiences in London.
THR 224 —   Independent Theatre Project  (3 credits)  
Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student selects a major independent theatre project he or she wishes to develop and complete.
THR 225 —   Sound for the Theatre  (3 credits)  
An investigation of the equipment and the techniques used in modern audio practice to improve and reinforce sound in the theatre and to create theatrical sound effects.
THR 230 —   Jazz Dance I  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This class is geared to the student with little or no previous jazz dance training. The art of jazz dance is studied with an emphasis on proper technique & alignment. This course develops the dynamic and sensitivity of the body to be able to communicate through movement. Specific jazz styles are studied and notated using basic steps. Improvisation, along with student exploration and collaboration, will be studied.
THR 231 —   Jazz Dance II  (AE)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*230
The art of jazz dance is studied with an emphasis on proper technique, alignment and style to expand the dynamic sensitivity of the body's ability to communicate through movement. Jazz styles are studied chronologically according to performance trends utilizing complex steps and combinations. Prerequisite may be waived with prior dance experience.
THR 243 —   Costume Construction I  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*104;
This is a studio course in which the student will learn the fundamentals of costume construction through demonstrations and practical applications. Topics include: taking accurate & precise measurements, hand and machine sewing techniques, proper layout and cutting of patterns, basic construction techniques, and adjusting commercial patterns to fit their body. Lab fee.
THR 250 —   Principles of Make-Up  (3 credits)  
This is a studio course which acquaints the student with the techniques and practical application of theatrical make-up. The student will be required to design and execute make-up for specific characters. Lab fee.
THR 251 —   Spec Topic:  (3 credits)  
A course for the theatre major comprised of two separate skills classes, including two from the following: Acting-Shakespeare, Introduction to Jazz Dance, Speech II, Physical Theatre II, Acting-Styles, Tap Dance, Armed Combat, Vocal Performance III, Acting-Synthesis & the Profession, Advance Ballet, and Physical Theatre IV. This course may be taken up to three times with different course topics. Lab fee.
THR 301 —   Performance Techniques V  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*201 THR*202
A course for the performance emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes, including: Acting-Styles, Tap Dance, Armed combat, and Vocal Performance III. Lab fee.
THR 302 —   Performance Techniques VI  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*301
A course for the performance emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes, including: Acting-Styles, Jazz Dance, and Physical Theatre III. Lab fee.
THR 307 —   Acting-Styles  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*207 THR*208
An advanced course in acting styles and techniques, addressing students' individual needs, and work in special periods and playwrights.
THR 308 —   Acting-Styles  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*207 THR*208
An advanced course in acting styles and techniques, addressing students' individual needs, and work in special periods and playwrights.
THR 309 —   Vocal Performance III  (3 credits)  
A continuation of THR 109-110 in which more advanced techniques are explored with a focus on interpretation and audition techniques. Students continue to develop necessary skills for successful music theater performance utilizing the widening body of music theatre repertoire.
THR 310 —   Vocal Performance IV  (3 credits)  
A continuation of THR 109-110 in which more advanced techniques are explored with a focus on interpretation and audition techniques. Students continue to develop necessary skills for successful music theater performance utilizing the widening body of music theater repertoire.
THR 311 —   Jazz Dance III  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*230;
This class is geared to the student with some formal experience in jazz dance training. This course engages the dynamic sensitivity of the body to be able to communicate through movement. Specific jazz styles and choreographic formats are studied using basic steps and challenging combinations. The area of dance choreography is introduced.
THR 312 —   Jazz Dance IV  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*231
This class is geared to the student with extensive formal experience in jazz dance training. This course challenges the dynamic and sensitivity of the body to be able to communicate through movement. Specific jazz styles and choreographic formats are studied using complex steps and challenging combinations. The area of dance choreography is introduced,
THR 320 —   Stage Combat III  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*301
The accomplished actor combatant will explore advanced techniques in certain martial styles, ranging from classical to contemporary. Emphasis will be placed on organic storytelling and the creation of collaborative performances. Safety is emphasized. Instructor permission required.
THR 321 —   Tap Dance I  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course is an introduction to the field of tap dancing, beginning with basic single, double, triple, and quadruple sounds, simple combinations, rhythmic patterning, and routines. The material is designed for the novice and the beginning level.
THR 322 —   Tap Dance II  (AE)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*321
This course is an exploration into the field of tap dancing, beginning with single, double, triple, and quadruple sounds, combinations, rhythmic patterning, and routines. The material is designed for the intermediate and advanced level.
THR 323 —   Physical Theatre I (Techniques and  (3 credits)  
Development of practical physical theatre skills: juggling, mime techniques and illusions, and body awareness. Exploration of analysis of movement theories. Performance of pantomime, gesture language, and gestural cartooning.
THR 324 —   Physical Theatre II (Masks, puppets and  (3 credits)  
Practical study of mask play and visual character development using neutral, larval, expressive, and found masks, Simple mask making. Alternative puppetry. Examination of current trends in physical theatre.
THR 326 —   Music Theatre Repertoire  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*202 or THR*110
A focus on music literacy and advanced study of performance techniques for the music theatre singer utilizing repertoire from the diverse styles of music theatre.
THR 329 —   Playwriting  (WI)  (3 credits)  
An introductory course in the problems and practices of playwriting. Emphasis is placed on the development and revision of a one-act play. Students also are acquainted with opportunities for production and publication.
THR 331 —   Costume Design  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FAA*120 or THR*120
Students learn the process of costume design for the theatre. Techniques covered include: script analysis, character conceptualization, research, and basic rendering. Art supplies required.
THR 337 —   Scene Design  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FAA*120 or THR*120
This course will introduce students to the basic skills required to be a scenic designer. The goal of the course is to expose, explore, and develop methods of visual communication within the design process of scenic design. This course will introduce students to script analysis, research, drafting, painting, collage, and model building. Drafting kit and art supplies required.
THR 339 —   Lighting Design  (3 credits)  
An introductory study of the art of lighting for the stage from the initial concept through electricity, instruments, color, plots, and designing for various types of stages. Drafting kit required.
THR 343 —   Pattern Drafting  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite THR*243
This is a studio course in which the student will learn the fundamentals of pattern drafting through demonstrations and practical applications. Topics covered include: drafting a basic pattern set consisting of a bodice, skirt, and sleeve, manipulating darts, adding fullness, and learning how to fit the body.
THR 344 —   History of Decor Fashion  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of clothing and the decorative arts (architecture, furniture, sculpture, painting). The historical periods from Prehistory to the Baroque and the societies within which they developed will be covered. The student will gain knowledge of the connections between the present and the past in Western culture. This is an upper division course, not necessarily appropriate for freshmen students.
THR 345 —   History of Decor II  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of clothing and the decorative arts (architecture, furniture, sculpture, painting). The historical periods from the Baroques to the present, and the societies within which they developed will be covered. The student will gain knowledge of the connections between the present and the past in Western culture.
THR 347 —   Special Topics-Costume  (3 credits)  
In this studio course students will examine in detail the fundamental construction and application techniques used to create a variety of costume specialties. Sample topics: corsets and petticoats, mask making, jewelry making, millinery, dancewear, and men's tailoring. This course may be taken up to three times with different course topics. Lab fee.
THR 350 —   Advanced Make-up  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR 270 or FAA 270
The design, creation, and use of prosthetics, wigs, facial hair, blood, and other special effects are used to create realistic and fantastical characters. Lab Fee.
THR 362 —   Dramatic Theory and Criticism  (H)  (3 credits)  
A study of the history and development of dramatic theory and criticism from ancient times to the present. Students will analyze distinct conceptions of theatre across both time and geography through engagement with selected theorists.
THR 400 —   Shakespeare  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course examines in-depth representative plays of Shakespeare in each of the genres: tragedy, comedy, history, and romance, as well as the sonnets.
THR 401 —   Performance Techniques VII  (H)  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*301 and THR*302;
An advanced course for the senior performance emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes including: Acting-Synthesis & The Profession, Ballet, and Physical Theatre IV. Lab fee.
THR 402 —   Performance Techniques VIII  (H)  (4 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*401
An advanced course for the senior performance emphasis student comprising a range of separate skills classes including: Acting-Synthesis & The Profession, Advanced Jazz Dance, and Vocal Performance VI. Lab fee.
THR 403 —   Broadway Dance I  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*311
This course is designed to develop the advanced jazz dancer through the study of complex dynamic styles and combinations. Emphasis is placed on techniques and the importance of rhythms, special awareness, and projection as means of creating variety in dance. Musical theatre history and repertory is introduced.
THR 404 —   Broadway Dance II  (H)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*312
This course is designed to develop the advanced jazz dancer by a complex study of dynamics, styles, and combinations. Emphasis is placed on technique, the importance of rhythms, spatial awareness, and projection as means of fine-tuning dance. Musical theatre history and repertory is introduced.
THR 407 —   Honors Thesis I  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
THR 408 —   Honors Thesis II  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
THR 409 —   Ballet V  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite take thr*211
This course will concentrate on barre exercises in progressive combinations including: balances on releve, complex locomotive patterns, turns, and jumps. Students will be required to create ballet phrases and demonstrate complex movement.
THR 410 —   Ballet VI  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite take thr*212
This course is designed for the advanced ballet student. Class will be taught at an accelerated pace. It will include advanced and complex combinations incorporating jumps with turns, beats, partnering techniques, and choreographic exploration.
THR 411 —   History and Literature of Theatre  (H)  (3 credits)  
A study of the development of theatrical performance from the Greeks through Asian theatres to Shakespeare, with emphasis on reading and analyzing representative performance texts from each period.
THR 412 —   History and Literature of Theatre II  (H)  (3 credits)  
A study of the development of theatrical performance, from the Italian Renaissance through the rise of realism at the end of the 19th century, with an emphasis of understanding theatrical style through diverse performance texts.
THR 413 —   History and Literature of Theatre III  (H)  (3 credits)  
A study of the development of theatrical performance from the 20th century to the present day, with emphasis on work in North America and Europe.
THR 414 —   American Theatre and Drama: From the  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course examines the development of American theatre, historically and dramatically, from Colonial times to the advent of Eugene O'Neill. The emphasis is on plays from the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century theatre.
THR 415 —   Cont Theaters of Global Majs  (GE)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR 413
This course explores theatres of the global majority since the 1940s. This term broadly encompasses Black, Asian, Latinx, indigenous, bi-racial, and others long considered minorities through a Western lens. Students will read plays and learn about their context to understand the variety of stylistic and social deployments of theatre.
THR 417 —   Acting-Synthesis & the Profession  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*307 and THR*308;
An advanced acting course emphasizing the synthesis of skills and techniques explored in the previous years of study. Special attention is placed on developing a range of audition material. Classes are devoted to the business aspects of the acting profession.
THR 418 —   Acting-Synthesis & the Profession  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*307 and THR*308;
An advanced acting course emphasizing the synthesis of skills and techniques explored in the previous years of study. Special attention is placed on developing a range of audition material. Classes are devoted to the business aspects of the acting profession.
THR 423 —   Physical Theatre III (Improvisation and  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*324
Practical study of physical character development and visual narrative using improvisation techniques, including contact improv, devised pieces, and articulating visual perceptions on paper. Classical Commedia dell 'Arte characters are explored, using masks, existing traditional scenarios, and modern commedia is introduced through performance of a new adaptation.
THR 424 —   Physical Theatre IV (Theatrical Clown  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*423
The class will apply the techniques of clowning and improvisation to the creation of physically based dramatic narratives. The process will include developing a personal clown, a family of clowns, and a clown play. Audition techniques from the visual perspective and the actor as creator will also be explored.
THR 425 —   Directing  (3 credits)  
A study of general directorial problems and solutions: auditions, blocking, pace, rhythm, characterization, composition, picturization, movement, and general design. The student also prepares a short play from the beginning to actual performance.
THR 430 —   Senior Seminar  (WI)  (3 credits)  
The senior seminar is an integrative capstone course requiring general theatre students to conduct research on a question or problem in a specific area of theatre. It will be conducted as an independent research effort with each student meeting privately with his or her research adviser. Students will write a senior thesis applying their acquired skills to a central topic, theme, or question.
THR 431 —   Senior Seminar II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite THR*430
The Senior Seminar II is the continuation of an interactive capstone course, requiring specialized theatre students to conduct research on a question or problem in a specific area of concentration in theatre. It will be conducted as an independent research effort with each student meeting privately with his or her research advisor. Students will write a senior thesis applying their acquired skills to a central topic, theme or question and present the findings in a forum appropriate to the subject.
THR 445 —   Advanced Design Studio  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken THR*337 THR*339 and THR*331;
This independent study serves as the capstone course restricted to seniors in the design/technology sequence. Students will apply the knowledge and skills acquired over the course of their program to further their individual goals. The topics will be determined by the instructors and will vary by student need.
THR 493 —   Theatre Internship/Co-op  (6.00 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.
THR 494 —   Theatre Internship/Co-op  (6 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.
THR 495 —   Theatre Internship/Co-op  (3 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.
THR 496 —   Theatre Internship/Co-op  (3 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.