Military Science Department (Army ROTC)
The academic courses offered by the department of military science are designed to teach and enhance leadership theory and practice. Courses offer valuable insight into the role the military plays in our government. Courses are open to all students, regardless of their level of interest in the military. Our courses count for both course and GPA credit in any academic major. Courses count as Western Civilization and Social Science elective credits. A military science minor is given to only a contracted Cadet who applies and successfully completes all military science courses with the approval from the department of military science chairperson.
Students who enroll in the Basic Course, 100- and 200- level courses, do not incur any military obligation.
Prior to enrollment in the Advanced Course, 300- and 400-level courses, a student must have completed the Basic Course (100/200) or its equivalent, and be contracted.
Textbooks for all military science classes are furnished free of charge. See the financial aid section of this catalog for ROTC scholarship information.