Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Teacher Certification - PreK-Grade 12

For students seeking New York state certification in TESOL (PreK-Grade 12):

Foundational Course Requirements
EDU 214Cult & Multicult Found3
EDU 236Human Learn, Dev, Moti (B-21)3
EDU 239Char of Students With Exceptionalities3
EDU 271Found Literacy Inst3
EDU 378Foundations of Bilingual Education3
EDU 379Developing ESL Literacy through3
EDU 380Language & Linguistics in the English as3
EDU 381Sociolinguistic Considerations for3
Methods Course Requirements
EDU 435Curricular Applications In Teaching3
EDU 438Content Area Methods for English as a3
EDU 451Assessment of Learning 13
Student Teaching Requirements
EDU 489Student Teaching in the English as a9
EDU 494Professional Seminar in Teaching English3
Teaching placements must be at two levels: Pre-K-grade 6, and Grades 7-12.
Total Credits45

To be taken with EDU 435 Curricular Applications In Teaching