Fine Arts (FAA)

FAA 120 —   Intro to Theatre Design  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This studio course acquaints the student with the language, techniques, and conventions of theatrical set, lighting, and costume design. Weekly assignments will emphasize the development of practical skills.
FAA 150 —   Sp Topic in Musical Repertoire  (1.00 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*210
This course provides opportunities for the musician who seeks to improve technique and musicality through the study of repertoire. Students will identify a specific performance goal and develop a plan to achieve it. Students may retake this course up to three additional times for a maximum of four credit hours.
FAA 170 —   Painting Workshop  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course is a workshop in painting for beginning students. Lectures, course projects, and individual critiques in the studio classroom are provided by the instructor. Students undertake a variety of thematic and stylistic approaches using acrylic paints. Available for reference are art works in the Castellani Art Museum.
FAA 171 —   Adv Painting Workshop  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course is an intermediate workshop for students who have successfully completed FAA 170. Each student pursues one theme, creating a series of acrylic paintings in the studio classroom under the instructor's supervision.
FAA 190 —   Hand Papermaking  (H)  (3 credits)  
A studio course in the history of hand papermaking and its use as an art form for beginning and advanced students. Lecture, slides, and examination of handmade papers illustrate and explain the history and methods of paper production. Demonstration and hands-on experience facilitate the exploration of the nature and techniques of making paper by hand. Basic vocabulary and art/design principles are stressed.
FAA 201 —   19th C. Art  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course deals with the complex art scene following the French Revolution of 1789. Styles examined are neo-classicism, romanticism, realism at mid-century, and impressionism at the close. Students learn about major painters and sculptors while developing visual literacy. Videos, slides, lecture-discussion and museum visiting are included.
FAA 202 —   20th Century Art  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course studies the aesthetic and social revolutions of modern art that began in the 19th century but erupted in Fauvism in 1905 Paris. Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism are examined, as well as the art scene in America up to the 1960's. Videos, slides, lecture-discussion and visits to the Castellani Art Museum are included.
FAA 203 —   Hist of Music  (H)  (3 credits)  
A survey course designed to develop an appreciation of Western music and its relationship to culture throughout history. Selected works illustrate various musical elements from early beginnings to the present. Some attention is given to the development of vocal, instrumental and electronic music.
FAA 205 —   America's Music  (H)  (3 credits)  
A study of music made or used by the people of the Americas and United States, from its Native American and Colonial beginnings to the present. Works studied illustrate how culture is represented in American music's pluralism. Some attention is given to the development of jazz, musical theatre, popular and avant-garde music as American expressions.
FAA 206 —   Latin American Art  (CD)  (3 credits)  
Students will be given the unique experience of creating an exhibition of works by Latin American artists in the Castellani's collection from the initial selection process through the various components of publicizing the show, thus introducing the full behind the scenes activities of museum work. The rich stylistic history of the 20th century Latin American art will be introduced week by week as students delve deeper into researching the artwork and museum procedures to display and explain it. This course is taught in English.
FAA 207 —   Women in Art  (H)  (3 credits)  
The works and lives of modern women artists such as Mary Cassatt, Georgia O'Keefe, Joan Mitchell, Kathe Kollwitz, Sylvia Plimack Mangold, Cindy Sherman, Susan Rothenberg, and Jenny Holzer are studied critically and historically. Gallery and museum visits, lectures by working women artists, hands-on activities such as drawing, a student-directed exhibition of art work, and written work supplement the course.
FAA 210 —   Postmodern to Contemporary Art 1960-2000  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course examines the changing face of contemporary art, using the achievements of the 20th century as a context for future exploration. Emphasis is placed on how art reflects cultural diversity, technological innovation, and socio-political issues. The course focuses on the collection of 20th century/contemporary art housed at the university's Castellani Art Museum.
FAA 218 —   Theatrical Scenic Painting  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course acquaints the student with the theory, techniques, and practical application of theatrical scenic painting. The student will gain hands-on experience by painting projects in and outside of class sessions. Projects include scenic paint representations of bricks, marble, wallpaper, wood grain, cornice molding, drapery, foliage and full scale versions of small scale scenes. Lab fee.
FAA 220 —   Foundations Drawing  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course aims to develop skills in drawing the object, still life, figure, and landscape. An introduction to various tools and media encourages the student to explore concepts in line, texture, composition, and design. Creative imaging is exercised in a final drawing project.
FAA 223 —   Independent THR Project  (3 credits)  
Under the supervision of a staff member, the student selects a major independent theatre project he or she wishes to develop and complete.
FAA 225 —   Theatre Sound  (3 credits)  
An investigation of the equipment and techniques used in modern audio practice to improve and reinforce sound in the theatre and create theatrical sound effects.
FAA 230 —   Prehist/Gothic Art  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of the major developments that shaped architecture, painting, sculpture, and the related arts in Western civilization from prehistoric times through the conclusion of the Gothic era.
FAA 231 —   14th to 19th C. Art  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of the major developments that shaped architecture, painting, sculpture, and the related arts in Western civilization from the Renaissance to the 19th century.
FAA 232 —   Renaissance Art & Cult  (H)  (3 credits)  
A study of painting, sculpture and architecture from the 14th century to the 16th century. The course concentrates on Italian art but includes lectures on Flemish and German art as well. Lectures are illustrated by slides and videos. Students learn to differentiate artistic styles and expand their intellectual understanding of art within society.
FAA 240 —   Indpt Study-Fine Art  (3 credits)  
Under the supervision of a staff member, the student selects a fine arts studio or research project to develop, create, and complete. With the guidance of the appropriate staff person, arrangements are made for planning, developing, and critiquing the project.
FAA 243 —   Costume Construction I  (3 credits)  
This is a studio course in which the student will learn the fundamentals of costume construction through demonstrations and practical applications. Topics include: taking accurate & precise measurements, hand and machine sewing techniques, proper layout and cutting of patterns, basic construction techniques and adjusting commercial patterns to fit their body. Lab fee.
FAA 245 —   Water Media  (3 credits)  
This introductory course provides an overview of water media techniques. Taught with attention to the theatrical perspective, the student will explore use of value, textural effects, color and composition as it pertains to water based media (water color, gouache, etc.).
FAA 252 —   Intro to Museum Studies  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course serves as an introduction to the purpose and organization of museums including historical origins, philosophy, and the societal role of museums. Topics will include the acquisition, care, presentation and interpretation of museum objects and an overview of the variety of jobs and responsibilities museum professionals hold.
FAA 261 —   Folklore in America  (CD)  (3 credits)  
This class introduces students to the study of folklore (traditional expressive behavior) by focusing on creativity in everyday life. Contemporary traditional arts, ideas, and practices of folk groups in the United States, including ethnic, occupational, regional, and religious groups, will be explored. Topics will include urban legends, fairytales, festivals, and folk art.
FAA 270 —   Principles of Make-Up  (3 credits)  
This is a studio course which acquaints the student with the techniques and practical application of theatrical make-up. The student will be required to design and execute make-up for specific characters. Lab fee.
FAA 305 —   Urban Sketching  (AE)  (3 credits)  
This course explores the fundamentals of urban sketching, or drawing on location, as a popular means of artistic storytelling relevant to travel, architectural, and social/cultural issues. Students will develop sketching, ink, and color media techniques unique to observational drawing through exercises, sketch journals, and an urban sketching exhibition.
FAA 331 —   Costume Design  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*103
Students learn the process of costume design for the theatre. Techniques covered include: script analysis, character conceptualization, research, and basic rendering. Art supplies required.
FAA 337 —   Scene Design  (3 credits)  
This course will introduce students to the basic skills required to be a scenic designer. The goal of the course is to expose, explore and develop methods of visual communication within the design process of scenic design. This course will introduce students to script analysis, research, drafting, painting, collage and model building. Drafting kit and art supplies required.
FAA 339 —   Lighting Design  (3 credits)  
An introductory study of the art of lighting for the stage from the initial concept through electricity, instruments, color, plots, and designing for various types of stages.
FAA 343 —   Pattern Drafting  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FAA 243
This is a studio course in which the student will learn the fundamentals of pattern drafting through demonstrations and practical applications. Topics covered include: drafting a basic pattern set consisting of a bodice, skirt and sleeve, manipulating darts, adding fullness and learning how to fit the body.
FAA 344 —   History of Decor & Fashion I  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of clothing and the decorative arts (architecture, furniture, sculpture, painting). The historical periods from prehistory to the Baroque and the societies within which they developed will be covered. The student will gain knowledge of the connections between the present and the past in Western culture.
FAA 345 —   History of Decor & Fashion II  (H)  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of clothing and the decorative arts (architecture, furniture, sculpture, painting). The historical periods from the Rococo to the present and the societies within which they developed will be covered. The student will gain knowledge of the connections between the present and the past in Western culture.
FAA 347 —   Special Topics:  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to focus on and provide an in-depth look at a particular area of art history and/or art making. This course may be taken up to three times with different course topics.
FAA 350 —   Advanced Make-up  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take THR*250
The design, creation and use of prosthetics, wigs, facial hair, blood and other special effects are used to create realistic and fantastical characters. Lab fee.