International Studies (INT)

INT 100 —   Intro to International Studies  (CD)  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to introduce students to the scope and methods of international studies. Topics of transnational significance, especially those which reveal the similarities and differences of the world's societies and cultures will be considered. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the program, issues of world geography, society, economy, environment and politics will be examined from different cultural and theoretical perspectives. - three semester hour
INT 200 —   Research Concentration  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken INT*100;
This course is designed to introduce students to the systematic analysis of international processes and phenomena. Methods of critical investigation from a variety of disciplines are applied to research topics as students determine their subfield of inquiry, research question, and approach to answering the question.
INT 398 —   Special Topics Seminar  (3 credits)  
A seminar focusing on a conceptual issue of the instructor's choice.
INT 400 —   Senior Seminar In IS  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Using methods and theoretical frameworks from disciplines such as history, political science, sociology, anthropology, and communications, students engage in research on an international topic.
INT 403 —   Honors Thesis I  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
INT 404 —   Honors Thesis II  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
INT 493 —   Int'l Studies Co-op  (6.00 credits)  
A junior or senior work study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.
INT 494 —   Int'l Studies Co-op  (6.00 credits)  
A junior or senior work study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.
INT 495 —   Int'l Studies Co-op  (6.00 credits)  
A junior or senior work study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.
INT 496 —   Int'l Studies Co-op  (6.00 credits)  
A junior or senior work study program providing relevant employment experience. Registration will occur at the beginning of the experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Students interested in taking an internship or co-op should talk to their adviser.