Management (MGT)

MGT 160 —   Management Principles  (SS)  (3 credits)  
Theories and practices of management and organization are studied, with a major focus on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. General topics include goals and strategy formulation, decision making, leadership, motivation, communication, teamwork, innovation, ethics, and social responsibility. The course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in organizational management.
MGT 217 —   International Management  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160 prior
This course places strategic management in a global context and examines the uniqueness of international organizational structures and practices. In addition to the challenges of coordinating and controlling a global enterprise, the course emphasizes global cultural diversity and its influence on human resource management, internal and external communication, ethics, and social responsibility.
MGT 220 —   Operations & Supply Chain  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must take MGT*160 prior to taking this course
In the era of global competitiveness, this course addresses the principles and management challenges associated with production, including manufacturing and the creation of value-added services. The framework for analysis will include total quality systems such as Lean, Six Sigma, and TPS.
MGT 221 —   Supply Chain Logistics  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must take MGT*160 prior to taking this course
The course studies the business activities that support the flow of products, supplies, and raw materials throughout the supply chain. Topics include inventory control, corporate traffic management, warehousing, packaging, materials handling, and procurement. Customer service quality and leading-edge logistics practices are emphasized.
MGT 240 —   Human Resource Management  (SS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160 prior
The class provides a foundation for the study of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and strategies, exploring how HRM leads to a competitive advantage for organizations, both nationally and globally. Emphasis will be placed on examining the legal environment, HR planning/staffing, employee training/development, compensation, and managing employee performance and relations.
MGT 308 —   E Commerce Essentials  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160
In this course, students will learn about the opportunities, challenges, and initial steps required to establish an entrepreneurial web based business. This project-based course will introduce students to dropshipping, print on demand, web design, social media and email marketing among other topics.
MGT 314 —   Topic:  (SS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken MGT*160;
Case studies of a variety of problems that are increasingly becoming the prime concerns of management. The areas covered may include entrepreneurship, business and the quality of life, business and other social institutions, business and the community, business and the individual, business and government, and business and foreign policy.
MGT 315 —   Leadership and Teamwork  (3 credits)  
This course provides a foundation in leadership and team concepts via experiential, hands-on learning. In this course students learn skills such as communication, listening, coordinating, team conflict management, relationship building, and motivation at individual and group levels.
MGT 316 —   Conflict Management and Negotiations  (SS)  (3 credits)  
This course examines the nature and sources of conflict and interdependence in social and organizational dynamics. Various means of resolving conflict, including the use of competitive and collaborative negotiations and mediation. The course supports the development of the students as managers, mediators, and negotiators.
MGT 318 —   Entrepreneurship  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160 prior
This course integrates the material introduced in core courses and applies it to the design and evaluation of new ventures. The purpose of this course is to explore many dimensions of new venture creation and growth. The course addresses both a theoretical perspective on venture initiation and the application of writing an actual business plan.
MGT 319 —   Diverse Leadership  (CD)  (3 credits)  
A multidisciplinary exploration of leadership through the perspectives of race, ethnicity, culture, and gender. How these factors shape the practice of leadership and the ramifications of these practices will be examined. Experimenting with different leadership approaches will be facilitated through project-based learning.
MGT 322 —   Procurement and Supplier Management  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160 prior
This course addresses responsibilities related to purchasing and supply management. Topics include the role of purchasing in the firm, policies, analytical tools, supplier evaluation, negotiating, contracts, ethical considerations, e-procurement, and recent trends. Make or buy decisions, international aspects, and the sourcing of services are also covered.
MGT 324 —   Transportation Systems and Simulation  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160 prior
An introduction to transportation systems and transportation management including operating and management characteristics for both freight and passenger modes, especially motor carriers, airlines, and intermodal. All students participate in an interactive simulation where students make multi-period business decisions as managers in a competitive market.
MGT 325 —   Food Industry Supply Chain Management  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT 160
This course provides a focused perspective on how effective supply chain management is vital to production, processing and distribution within the worldwide food industry. Topics include an introduction to food supply chain management, as well as operational issues specific to the food industry, including inventory management, transportation, distribution and purchasing.
MGT 327 —   Global Supply Chain Management  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160
This course presents an overview of the rapidly changing global supply chain and includes topics such as international sourcing, intermodalism, customs regulations, third party facilitators for international movements, and other special handling and security requirements that make global logistics management a challenge.
MGT 328 —   Logistics Technology and Cases  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160
This research intensive capstone style course uses readings, case studies, and practical approaches to solve logistics and transportation problems. The focus is on global SCM, e-fulfillment, and other technology related issues.
MGT 342 —   Human Resource Staffing and Development  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*240 prior
This course studies the human resource practices of recruitment, selection, training, and development in organizations. The course focuses on planning the human resource needs of organizations as well as individual career development, including the impact and evaluation of development and staffing decisions on individual and organizational strategies.
MGT 343 —   Reward Systems and Performance  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*240 prior
This course presents reward systems, including topics such as job analysis, job evaluation, market surveys, and pay-for-performance systems that are examined in relation to alignment with the firm's competitive strategy. Performance management systems are studied, including their process, measurement, implementation, and strategic implications. Additional issues include benefit options, team performance, special groups, and the legal and ethical environment.
MGT 344 —   Employment Law and Human Resource  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*240 prior
This course examines the regulation of human resources at both the firm level and the societal level. Common Law is presented and regulations at various government levels that impact employee safety, union activity, discriminatory practices, wages, and social programs are studied; compliance and management implementation issues are discussed.
MGT 351 —   Adv. Excel Business Modeling  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite CIS*232
This course is focused on the analysis of information using general and specific software analysis tools for quantitative business analysis. The course includes an in depth coverage of the sophisticated functions and techniques available in Microsoft Excel, techniques in automating spreadsheet function with macros and VBA. The course also provides an introduction to information analysis using the SAS statistical package.
MGT 352 —   Info Mngt in Bus/Healthcare  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite take mgt*160
Examines advanced information management using common data structures and related analysis. This course will focus on the manipulation and use of data contained in business data systems for operational and organizational performance analysis and decision making. Also addressed is information interchange between systems, data standards, and system interoperability issues that impact the efficiency of information interchange.
MGT 390 —   Information Systems for Business  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*160 CIS*232
This course is designed to provide students with a foundation in the management of information systems (MIS) and how these systems support decision making. The course focuses on the MIS structure, tools, and analysis techniques required to solve business problems. Embedded segments on career preparation and development are included in this course; it is recommended to be taken in the junior year or first semester senior year.
MGT 403 —   Management Honors Thesis I  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
MGT 404 —   Management Honors Thesis II  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
MGT 460 —   Business Strategy & Policy  (SS)  (3 credits)  
A capstone course designed to provide the business student with a foundation in the concepts of business strategy and policies. The course will focus on how firms analyze, formulate, and implement strategies. Students will be required to integrate the knowledge that they have acquired in previous business courses with strategic management techniques.
MGT 461 —   Classics in Leadership  (3 credits)  
This course explores the many dimensions of leadership. The focus is on developing the inner aspects of being a leader through skill building, self-development exercises, reflection, and leadership readings.
MGT 465 —   Transforming Business  (SS)  (3 credits)  
How business is conducted is undergoing a transformation. Businesses of the 21st century are expected to earn a profit while being environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. New business paradigms require leaders and managers to acquire new skills and modes of thinking. This course will lead students through a multi-disciplinary exploration of the emerging approaches to business. Students will acquire the tools and begin to develop the skills required to excel in a rapidly-changing world, and will be prepared to participate in transforming how business is done and in creating businesses that can contribute to transforming society.
MGT 493 —   Management Coop  (6.00 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major at Niagara University before enrollment. Registration is to be arranged through the chairperson.
MGT 495 —   Management Internship / Co-Op  (3 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major at Niagara University before enrollment. Registration is to be arranged through the chairperson.
MGT 496 —   Management Internship / Co-Op  (3 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major at Niagara University before enrollment. Registration is to be arranged through the chairperson.