History (HIS)

HIS 525 —   20th Cent European His  (3 credits)  
Students will read the current scholarship on modern European History, with an emphasis on the social, political, and cultural trends that have shaped the continent during that period. Requires a significant research paper. Specific topics vary based on instructor specialty.
HIS 555 —   20th Cent American His  (3 credits)  
Students will read the current scholarship on modern American History, with an emphasis on the social, political, and cultural trends that have shaped the nation during that period. Requires a significant research paper. Specific topics vary based on instructor specialty.
HIS 576 —   Rdgs in Non-Western  (3 credits)  
Students will read the current scholarship on regions outside North America and Europe, with an emphasis on the social, political, and cultural trends that have shaped the selected region during that period. Requires a significant research paper. Specific topics vary based on instructor specialty.