Management (MGT)

MGT 515 —   Analysis of Quantitative Data  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
The course focuses on: (1) graphical and arithmetical description of data; (2) the use of computer software in solving statistical problems; (3) the theory of probability; (4) probability distributions and sampling distributions; and (5) estimation and hypothesis testing.
MGT 565 —   Communications for Executives  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
An examination of the process of communication within the business enterprise and an analysis of its basic components. The presentation will include report writing, meeting leadership skills, and effective speaking and listening skills. All this is done within the appropriate technological framework, including PowerPoint and associated software.
MGT 570 —   Management Principles  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
An introduction to the theory and practice of management. Instruction in the managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling draws from many disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. This course examines management from various theoretical perspectives stressing application to the real world and using case studies. Topics studied include theories of management, decision making, leadership, communication, motivation, group dynamics, organizational design and strategic planning.
MGT 611 —   Decision Modeling & Analytics  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*515 or equivalent UG courses.
This course stresses practical applications of predictive and prescriptive models in making business decisions, turning information into action. Topics covered include various regression and classification methods (linear, logistic, KNN, CART, ANN, cluster analysis), optimization with risk (EV/EU) and constraints (LP/IP/NLP), and Monte Carlo simulation. Student will apply these methods to solve realistic business problems.
MGT 639 —   Project Management  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite FIN*641
This course covers the concepts, issues and approaches that are important in effectively managing projects in a wide range of business situations. Topics include project selection, project planning and control, negotiation, budgeting, scheduling resource allocation, performance auditing and project termination. Topics are covered from managerial and implementation perspectives.
MGT 640 —   User Experience Marketing  (3 credits)  
A surevey and analysis of user experience (UX) in marketing, which reflects how a product, service, application, or interface behaves across touchpoints to meet stategic marketing goals and outcomes.
MGT 651 —   Strategic MIS  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
This course provides knowledge of how information technology impacts effective management activities, especially in the area of strategic decision making. Topics include organizational information system design, management control of information technology, strategic and competitive aspects of information technology, social issues, and the globalization of information technology.
MGT 654 —   Global Sourcing & Risk Mgt  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
The widespread practice of purchasing finished goods, parts and supplies from all regions of the world creates inherent complexity and risks. This course addresses how to manage these challenges through supplier and global sourcing strategies, logistics partner selection, quality assurance, and the understanding of INCOTERMS and instruments of international payment to manage risk and accurately determine landed costs. Understanding government regulations, sustainability issues, differing language, social, legal, and ethical issues across cultures are also topics.
MGT 655 —   Global Transportation Systems  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT 674
This course focuses on global transportation systems that are essential to international trade including air freight, ocean freighters, containerships and cross-border transport in North America. Topics will include pricing, security, distribution strategies, and how to utilize third party logistics providers of international services. Important current issues related to regulation, domestic security, the environment, energy usage, and risks to transportation in politically unstable regions are discussed.
MGT 670 —   People in Organizations  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*570
This course focuses on human behavior for the purposes of increasing the effectiveness of employees, managers and organizations. The course addresses individual, group, and organizational factors, such as personality, motivation, teamwork, leadership, organizational culture and change, and how they impact one another and the organization.
MGT 672 —   Creative Problem Solving  (3 credits)  
Edward deBono said: Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learnt. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork, productivity and where appropriate, profits. This course builds on this by exploring design thinking and other tools to creatively address organizational problems.
MGT 673 —   Productions and Operation Management  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*515
This course provides a management overview of the planning, coordinating and executing of all activities that create goods and services. Topics include productivity, demand and capacity planning, quality measurement systems, network analysis, supply chain interface and production-related information technologies.
MGT 674 —   Strategic Supply Chain Management  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*515
This course is designed to view the supply chain from a strategic perspective so that purchasing, materials management, and transportation logistics can be leveraged for competitive advantage. Specific topics include supply chain re-engineering, improving customer service, inventory management, outsourcing, supplier certification, supplier/buyer ethical considerations, and global procurement issues.
MGT 675 —   Strategic Human Resource Management  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*570 and MGT*670;
The course studies human resource practices and their impact on firms competitive advantage and corporate structure. This nexus is specifically studied as it relates to costing human resources, environmental scanning, mergers and acquisitions, and the internationalization of HRM. The importance of human resource planning to strategic choice, staffing, compensating, and employee and labor relations is also addressed. The student is taught skills for maximizing firm objectives via appropriate human resource practices.
MGT 676 —   International Management  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*570;
An overview of the concepts, institutions, and policies that influence international business. The course evaluates the importance of economic, sociocultural, political, and legal variables of operating in a global marketplace. In addition, the course examines structures, leadership styles, motivation strategies, and communication channels appropriate for the transnational firm. Topics include developing economies, entrepreneurship, regional trading blocs, international human resource management, and the shift from planned to market-based economies.
MGT 677 —   Organizational Development  (VAU)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*570 MGT*670
This course considers organizational development as a process of change to improve an organizations problem-solving skills, creativity, innovation, and its overall effectiveness within a changing and complex environment. Students will study intervention strategies to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals.
MGT 678 —   Labor and Industrial Relations  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MGT*570 and MGT*670;
This course provides a survey of industrial relations issues confronting employees, management and the economy. A sample of topics includes the history, development, structures and process of the labor unions, collective bargaining, and legal and societal issues.
MGT 679 —   Data & KM in Digital Econ  (3 credits)  
This course will build on the problem solving, data manipulation skills, and associated analytics to turn information into competitive knowledge to enable business people to compete effectively in the digital data environment. This course is focused on developing and applying the skills to turn data into information. Students will translate real-world problems into forms where digital technology and resources can provide problem solving assistance and insight.
MGT 681 —   Study Abroad  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite: permission of the MBA director Insight into the operation of business in a global context is obtained through traveling overseas where students attend classes/seminars at institutions associated with the university. Living and studying in another land provides first-hand insight into foreign ideas, concepts, institutions, and policies that shape the operation of firms engaged in international business. The educational experience is enhanced via exposure to other cultures, histories, languages and peoples. The student is required to not only study, but also to live, work and play in a foreign environment. - three semester hours
MGT 682 —   Topic:  (3 credits)  
MGT 683 —   MBA Co-op  (6.00 credits)  
An advanced-level elective course providing relevant paid employment experience. The objective of the course is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience for students not fully employed. The student must work full time in an approved work environment for either the fall or spring semester or an equivalent number of hours in the summer. MBA director permission required.
MGT 684 —   Special Topics Part II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take MPH*682;
This course provides the career-minded student a second opportunity to design an individually tailored course of study. Students will, under the guidance of a faculty adviser, complete or continue a special project intended to improve their employment opportunities. This may be an individualized program of study, a supervised consultation project with a government, not-for-profit or business organization, or some other learning experience salient to the student's career goals.
MGT 691 —   Business Research Strategy and Planning  (3 credits)  
This capstone course synthesizes the knowledge gained in the functional areas of the firm to enable the student to formulate business decisions and policies. The course uses techniques of research developed throughout the program to analyze comprehensive business problems. A major component of the course is a special project requiring a practical exercise in strategic planning.