Finance (FIN)

FIN 151 —   Personal Finance  (3 credits)  
A course designed for nonbusiness majors. The course material serves as a guide to personal financial planning; a practical approach to managing money. An overview of basic accounting, borrowing money, budgeting, investing in securities, buying real estate and estate planning are among the major topics to be considered.
FIN 314 —   Topic:  (SS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Must have taken MGT*160;
Case studies or directed investigations focused on current problems and topics that are increasingly of concern to modern businesses. The topics covered may be current issues in Finance and/or involve new and emerging areas of study.
FIN 320 —   Corporate Finance I  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take ACC 111 and ECO 102
This is an introductory course in corporate finance for both non-majors and majors preparing for upper-level course work. This course will provide an introduction to capital budgeting techniques. The main topics include: financial statement analysis, the time value of money, pricing bonds and stocks, capital asset pricing model, cost of capital, and capital budgeting.
FIN 340 —   Corporate Finance II  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FIN 320
The course reviews the theories and empirical evidence related to corporate financing decisions. The issues we consider will be directly applicable for those planning to work in commercial and investment banking, corporate financial management, as well as more general business careers that have a substantial finance component. The topics include: capital structure, working capital management, dividend policy, security issues, mergers and acquisitions, and risk management.
FIN 350 —   Fundamentals of Investments  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FIN 320
This course develops an understanding of the main categories of asset classes and financial instruments, including money, bond, equity, options, and futures markets. After building a foundation of portfolio theory, valuation techniques are applied to these instruments. Students use investment simulation software and security research databases to develop a deeper understanding of real time investment management applications.
FIN 360 —   International Financial Management  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FIN*320
This course looks into the financial concerns of a multinational corporation. Topics include international financial markets and instruments, exchange rate determination, currency derivatives, and types of foreign exchange risk exposure and hedging strategies.
FIN 403 —   Finance Honors Thesis I  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
FIN 404 —   Finance Honors Thesis II  (WI)  (3 credits)  
Individual research of a substantive nature pursued in the student's major field of study. The research will conclude in a written thesis or an original project, and an oral defense.
FIN 410 —   Financial Derivatives  (AS)  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Take FIN*320 Mat*107
The course is an introduction to the analysis and use of derivative securities, such as options, futures, forwards, and swaps. Topics covered will include arbitrage, Binomial and Black Scholes pricing models, hedging, swaps, and the increasingly critical role of derivatives in the financial system. The class will emphasize financial model building and simulation using real time market data.
FIN 450 —   Monteagle Fund Investments  (3 credits)  
Prerequisite Student must have taken FIN 350
This course blends theoretical concepts of financial analysis and portfolio management with practical experience in running the Monteagle Fund, Niagara University's student run investment fund. Students will work together in groups to draft an appropriate investment strategy, select investments, evaluate performance, and report results to shareholders. Students will research financial and economic indicators, such as stock indices, interest rates, exchange rates, and corporate earnings releases, and evaluate the potential impact on portfolio holdings. Finance students only or permission of instructor.
FIN 493 —   Finance Internship/Co-Op  (0 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major at Niagara University before enrollment. Registration is to be arranged through the chairperson.
FIN 495 —   Finance Internship / Co-Op  (3 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major at Niagara University before enrollment. Registration is to be arranged through the chairperson.
FIN 496 —   Finance Internship / Co-Op  (3 credits)  
A junior or senior work-study program providing relevant employment experience. The objective of the program is to integrate classroom theory and practical work experience, thus lending relevancy to learning and providing the student with a realistic exposure to career opportunities. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major at Niagara University before enrollment. Registration is to be arranged through the chairperson.