Biology, B.S. - Education with Teacher Certification, Adolescence 7-12, 5-12

General Education Requirement
Professional Requirement
Select 27 credits of Professional Requirement courses27
Major Requirement
BIO 121
BIO 123L
General Biology I
and Gen Biology Lab I
BIO 122
BIO 124L
General Biology II
and Gen Biology Lab II
BIO 210Botany4
BIO 212
BIO 213L
and Microbiology Lab
BIO 231
BIO 233L
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology Lab I
BIO 232
BIO 234L
Anatomy & Physiology II
and Anatomy & Physiology Lab II
BIO 246Genetics I3
BIO 312Conservation Ecology 23
CHE 111
CHE 113L
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHE 112
CHE 114L
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
MAT 111Calculus I 24
or MAT 109 Precalculus
PHY 121
PHY 123L
General Physics
and General Physics 2
Earth Science Elective
Select one of the following:3-4
Development & Lab
Cell Biology
Biochemistry I
and Biochemistry Laboratory I
Biochemistry II
and Biochemistry Laboratory II
New York State Certification Requirement
A college-level (three credit-hour) foreign language other than English is required for New York state certification.
Total Credits76-77

BIO 312 Conservation Ecology and the earth science elective must be taken as free electives in the distribution component along with PHY 101 Survey of Physics or PHY 121 General Physics for the natural science elective, and MAT 109 Precalculus or MAT 111 Calculus I for the mathematics elective.