Life Sciences, B.A.

General Education Requirement
Major Requirement
BIO 121
BIO 123L
General Biology I
and Gen Biology Lab I
BIO 122
BIO 124L
General Biology II
and Gen Biology Lab II
BIO 401
BIO 402
Biology Seminar
and Biology Seminar
CHE 105Chemistry and Society I: Public Affairs3-4
or CHE 111
CHE 113L
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHE 106Chemistry and Society II: Chemistry for3-4
or CHE 112
CHE 114L
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
PHY 101Survey of Physics3-4
or PHY 121
PHY 123L
General Physics
and General Physics
PHY 102Survey of Physics3-4
or PHY 122
PHY 124L
General Physics
and General Physics
Advised electives12
Total Credits36-40