Holzschuh College of Business Administration
Guided by Catholic and Vincentian traditions, we prepare current and future business professional to learn, serve and lead with integrity and live an exemplary life.
Our Guiding Principles
We strive to equip students to be successful in the business and world communities by developing their skills in leadership, communication and working with other people.
We strive to ensure that course content and delivery is current, relevant and coordinated across disciplines, placing special emphasis on technology and the global marketplace.
We strive to provide an ethics-based business education incorporating the altruistic spirit of St. Vincent de Paul.
Community Involvement
We strive to provide opportunities for students and faculty to serve the community and engage in extra-curricular activities and practical interaction with the business community on a regional, national and global scale.
Professional Growth
We strive to promote the continuing development of all business community members to enhance teaching and encourage and reward intellectual contributions.
Degree Programs
The College of Business Administration offers five bachelor’s degrees, one associate degree, an MBA degree which complements the undergraduate degrees and our M.S. in finance degree.
The bachelor of business administration in accounting (BBA) degree develops the perspective and skills necessary for growth and progress in the profession of accountancy. The BBA. program prepares the student for a wide range of employment opportunities including careers in public accounting, industry and finance, government and nonprofit organizations. Many accounting students use their degrees to pursue careers in law and financial analysis. The accounting program leading to:
- BBA degree is registered with the Division of Professional Education of the New York State Department of Education and qualifies graduates to take the CPA, CMA, CIA and other professional examinations upon completion of 150 hours of study.
- Accounting 3+1 program: Students may also accelerate their accounting studies and complete the BBA in 3 years, using the additional year to complete the remaining 150 hours of study. Entry into this program occurs in the student's freshman year and is based upon several criteria. Contact the accounting department chair for more details.
- BBA/MBA in Professional Accountancy: Accounting 4+1 Program
This is an integrated 154-hour program in which students earn a BBA degree after four years and an MBA degree after five years. The program prepares students for careers in public accounting, and is a New York state CPA-150 licensure-qualifying program for the CPA exam. In the first three years of the program students take a common core of accounting, business, and liberal arts courses. Students begin taking some MBA courses in the fourth year of the program, and can complete the BBA/MBA program in one additional year. Students are awarded the BBA degree after completing BBA requirements (usually four years), and the MBA degree after completing MBA requirements (one additional year). Only one year of public accounting experience and successful completion of the CPA exam are required for the CPA certification. - MBA in Professional Accountancy
This graduate program is intended for students who complete an undergraduate degree in a field other than accounting or business, and who wish to qualify for the CPA exam. The program prepares students for careers in public accounting, and is a New York state CPA-150 licensure-qualifying program for the CPA exam. Students without an undergraduate accounting or business degree would need to complete 69 graduate semester hours.
The bachelor of science (B.S.) in economics, B.S. in finance, B.S. in management, and B.S. in marketing prepare students for business careers in private and public sectors. Students majoring in management may concentrate their studies in human resources, international business, or supply chain management. Students majoring in marketing may concentrate in food and consumer packaged goods marketing, or pursue a minor in social media and digital marketing.
The bachelor of arts (B.A.) in economics is a general liberal arts degree, designed for undergraduate students who are interested in one of many careers that an undergraduate degree makes possible. This degree is geared towards students interested in graduate studies in public policy or economics. The curriculum for the bachelor of arts allows for more flexibility in terms of double majors and pursuing multiple minors.
All programs offer to students outside the College of Business Administration the opportunity to select an academic minor to better achieve their educational and career goals. The MBA program is designed to provide management skills at middle and strategic levels of business. The M.S. in finance and the M.S. in Accounting prepare students to pursue a career in the finance field. The College of Education and the College of Business Administration jointly administer a program leading to a baccalaureate degree in business education for students seeking certification to teach commercial subjects in public or private high schools in New York state. A provisional teaching certificate for secondary grades can be earned at graduation. Interested students should contact the College of Education. The College of Business Administration offers a two-year associate in applied science in business (AAS) degree for students interested in an introduction to the business world.
College of Business Administration Curriculum

All baccalaureate degree programs are comprised of a 20-course general education component consisting of liberal arts courses and a 22-course major requirement. The general education component consists of 9 foundation courses and 11 distribution courses. The general education component, specific to Niagara University, provides the student with a liberal arts educational experience. The 22-course major provides the business academic education.
These courses are intended to provide the knowledge, values and skills necessary for a student to achieve a successful career in today’s complex and challenging business environment. Leadership, relevance, ethics and community involvement are themes which flow through the curriculum all derived from the mission and guiding principles of the College of Business Administration.
Internship/Co-op Program
The College of Business Administration provides opportunities for junior and senior students, who have at least 15 semester hours of course work in the College of Business, to acquire pregraduation experience by employment in commerce or industry through our internship/co-op programs. These experiences can be paid or nonpaid and students can receive up to six hours of course credit. Through the years, students have been placed in hundreds of organizations.
Study Abroad
As business competition has been global, the importance of acquainting students with other cultures has become increasingly important. The business school encourages study-abroad activities, and there are many opportunities for semester-long or shorter time period study abroad opportunities. Students should discuss the details with their advisor.
Transfer Students
Candidates for admission from other accredited colleges or universities must be in good academic standing in the colleges or universities from which they are transferring, and must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on a scale of 4.00. Individual courses can be transferred only if the student has earned a grade of C or better; courses with a grade below a C will not be transferred. Transfer credits cannot generally be used for courses in the student's area of concentration. At least 50 percent of the students’ business courses must be completed at Niagara University. Courses taken off campus at the lower-division level, but taught within the College of Business on the upper-division level, will be accepted toward the requirements of the core and major only if validated. Validating procedures may include written examination, standardized tests, the successful completion of advanced courses in the subject, and other methods. Grades are not transferred.
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
The College of Business Administration programs lead to the baccalaureate degree upon satisfactory completion of the following requirements:
- The candidate must successfully complete all designated course work; 127 credit hours and 42 units.
- The candidate must earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in the total semester hours required. A grade of D or below cannot be received in the area of concentration.
- The candidate’s final 30 semester hours must be earned in residence at Niagara University.
- The candidate has the responsibility of meeting degree requirements in the College of Business Administration. Therefore, the student should be thoroughly familiar with the course requirements and should keep a record of courses completed and semester hours applicable to degree requirement.
Business Centers
Niagara University Family Business Center
The Niagara University Family Business Center was established in 2003. The center is dedicated to serving the needs of family-owned businesses in Western New York and Southern Ontario. Our mission is to develop and exchange relevant information on family-business issues in order to strengthen the stability and long-term viability of family businesses through education, research and service. A sampling of the center’s activities include:
- Speakers’ series and seminars on family business issues
- Consulting support for local family owned businesses
- Support for faculty and student research on family business issues
- Development of curriculum to enhance student learning in the area of entrepreneurship and family-owned business issues. Niagara University College of Business Administration joins a network of over 60 colleges and universities who have established a family business center to assist businesses in their geographic area
Niagara University Center for Supply Chain Excellence
The Center for Supply Chain Excellence is dedicated to promoting education in supply chains across all business fields, especially logistics, transportation and global trade. A collaborative relationship between business firms, the university and the College of Business Administration faculty/staff will guide the center’s growth, direction and resources.
Food Industry Center of Excellence
The Food Marketing Center of Excellence (FICE) is a collaboration between food industry leaders and the College of Business Administration of Niagara University to create, build and inspire transformative programs and partnerships that position the food industry of Western New York at the pinnacle of global excellence, while enriching educational and service opportunities for students.
In addition to seminars, certifications, and networking events, the FICE sponsors an annual Innovation Summit for food industry executives to share the latest insights and industry trends.
Five-Year B.S/MBA Degree
Please consult your academic advisor for assistance in preparing for the five-year B.S./MBA program. Students interested in this degree should speak to the Niagara University MBA Director and also discuss plans with their academic adviser during the third year of their undergraduate program. If eligible to be accepted into the MBA program, students typically begin taking some MBA courses in the fourth year and can usually complete the B.S./MBA program in five years.
Any student at Niagara University may choose a minor in commerce. A minor is considered an additional set of course work, and may be chosen from any one of the discipline majors or concentrations (economics, finance, human resources, international business, supply chain, management, or marketing) or the general business concentration as specified. The minor can also be specifically designed to fit the student’s needs, but this must be done with the approval of the commerce chairperson and the chairperson of the student’s academic home. Minors are not approved for course work which is taken entirely as part of another field of study. Quite often minors are achieved with careful use of one’s elective courses.